ARTURO EXTERIOR DOOR ARTURO EXTERIOR DOOR Installed in Coral Gables Florida, The Arturo door required the fabrication of the dressing of pillars and a Capitals. The simple but unique composition is a Classical look in the traditional city of Coral Gables....
Bellini Capital Since 1992 Bellini celebrates Excellence in craftsmanship and superb design. The composition of the solid mahogany Capital springs from the era of Beauty.the capital is often selected for ornamentation and is often the clearest indicator of the...
Madrid Exterior Door The composition of the MADRID Exterior doors, is manufactured with utmost respect to the original design that Springs from the Classical composition of the early 18th century in Madrid Spain. At Bellini Mastercraft since 1992 we strive to create...
Hidden 2 Point Locking Mechanism The Point Locking Mechanism The Point Locking Mechanism is set inside the rail of the inactive leaf of the door. It is operated by the Handle in the inactive leaf. When this handle is pushed up the locking Mechanism withdraws a...
Alex Exterior Mahogany Door The contemporary design of the solid Mahogany entry door is tested and code approved for impact rating in the coastal areas. Fitted with Stainless steel pulls and Bellinbi Custom hinges, the door brings elegance and strength to the...