ROYAL 5 CASING ROYAL 5″ CASING 11/4″ thick and 5″ wide the Royal casing is designed to bring a finishing touch of beauty and elegance to the home. CONTACT...
MONTREAL CARVED CROWN ROSETTE MONTREAL CARVED CROWN ROSETTE The beauty of the dressing of the doors and window is enhanced with the Crown carved Rosette, flowing. Manufactured with exactness and fine carving craftsmanship, the exquisite detail of the top rosette...
CARVED MEDICI CROWN ROSETTE CARVED MEDICI CROWN ROSETTE elegance and fine carving craftsmanship brings a touch of beauty and closure to the dressing of the arch casings. CONTACT...
CARVED DAVINCI CROWN ROSETTE CARVED DAVINCI CROWN ROSETTE The ,etting point of the arched casings on the head of the composition is enhanced with a Crown Rosette. CONTACT...
ROYAL 6 CASING ROYAL 6″ CASING The 1 1/4″ thick and 6″ wide casing is designed to enhance the mahogany doors and windows. Since 1992 Bellini has created unique and perfectly balanced moldings. CONTACT...