BRICKEL PLINTH BLOCK BRICKEL PLINTH BLOCK The simplicity of the Brickel design allows for a touch of beauty in the dressing of the casings and baseboard. The exact size is determined by the size of the baseboard and the casing, the thickness 1 1/4″ CONTACT...
MIRAMELINDA PLINTH BLOCK MIRAMELINDA PLINTH BLOCK Utilizing genuine Honduras mahogany the plinth blocks and casings are designed to enhance the envelope of the doors.Each plinth Block is carefully sized and designed to match the desired aesthetics of the home. CONTACT...
VLADIMIRO PLINTH BLOCK VLADIMIRO PLINTH BLOCK The hand-carved Vladiniro Plinth block is a unique design that compliments the casings and the plinth block. Excellence in hand carving and superior craftsmanship enhances and brings beauty to the residence. CONTACT...
PINEAPLE PLINTH BLOCK PINEAPPLE HEAD PLINTH BLOCK The hand carved plinth is a touch of elegance to the dressing of the interior of the door. The exact resting place to the casings. The size of the casing is in direct relationship to the size of the casing and the...
CORAL GABLES CASINGS CORAL WAY CASING With excellence in hand carving skills the factory has created the unique dressing for the doors and windows.Each design is a synergy between our team and the customer, creating the specific look required by the exclusive taste of...